Parking at the Las Vegas Convention Center

The Diamond Lot (500 spaces) and the Silver Lot are closest to the West Hall, the location of IBS and IECSC Las Vegas 2024, at a rate of $15/day.

Use the Vegas Loop to travel around the Las Vegas Convention Center campus, and from parking lots to the West Hall.


Parking at the Las Vegas Convention Center

Additional parking options:

  • Sahara​ - join Casino Cub and park for free​
  • Resorts World​ - park and take Vegas/Tesla Loop​
  • Embassy Suites - free shuttle for guests​
  • Travel in by Monorail
Exhibitor Booth Sales and Sponsorships
Jamie Schroeder
Sales Manager (Exhibitors E-I, K-L)
Emily Rockwell
Sales Executive (Exhibitors A-D, M)
Rain Skarka
Account Executive (Exhibitors #, J, N, O, V)
Betty Sharp
Sr. Account Executive (Exhibitors P-U, W-Z)
Walter Kupiec
Group Sales Director
Eric Calderone
Senior Sales Development Representative
Event Director
Elizabeth Fantetti Trevorrow
Event & Partnership Director, Beauty & Spa
Marketing & Education
Jennifer Rosen
Marketing Director, Wellness & Travel Group
Debbie Schmidle
Senior Marketing Manager
Kelley McCarthy
Sr Conference Producer
(212) 895-8210
American Spa Media Sales
Kristina Panter
Director, Integrated Media

Beware of Scams and Solicitors

Please be conscientious of potentially disingenuous offers of attendee and hotel lists for IBS or IECSC unless you receive them directly from your event account representative.

We value privacy and trust. We do not sell our attendee list to third-party brokers. If you are contacted claiming otherwise, please be aware that this is not our authorized list and may have been obtained illegally.  
Questex Privacy Policy